Amidst a surge in cyber threats, this blog emphasises the imperative of robust email security. With phishing attacks and malware at record highs, it highlights the overlooked practice of authenticating senders by hovering over contacts. The advice extends to employee education and integrated security solutions, offering a comprehensive defence against evolving cyber threats.

Unveiling Email Security Strategies in the Face of Record-Breaking Threats

In an era where cyber threats are more rampant than ever, ensuring the security of your business emails is paramount. Phishing attacks and malware have seen unprecedented spikes, with a 173% increase in phishing attacks and a 110% rise in malware in the third quarter of this year alone. At Pisys, we understand the critical importance of email security. In this blog, we’ll delve into key email security tips and shed light on the often-overlooked practice of hovering your mouse over the sender’s contact to verify authenticity.

The Alarming Rise of Phishing and Malware

Phishing attacks have become the go-to strategy for cybercriminals, sending out a staggering 207.3 million phishing emails in August alone, nearly doubling the number in July. The situation didn’t improve in September, with 172.6 million phishing emails recorded. Facebook and Microsoft remain prime targets, accounting for more phishing URLs than the next seven most spoofed brands combined.

Eye-Opening Statistics: A Snapshot of Cyber Threats

Before we delve into email security best practices, let’s consider some eye-opening statistics:

  • 30,000 websites hacked every day
  • 8.5 billion Google searches run every day
  • 61% of organisations worldwide implemented a zero-trust initiative in 2023
  • 91% of attacks in 2023 started with a phishing email
  • 560,000 new pieces of malware detected every day

These statistics paint a vivid picture of the ever-present and evolving threats that businesses face daily.

Email Security Tips: Hover to Verify

One of the simplest yet often neglected email security tips is to hover your mouse over the sender’s contact. Why is this important?

Verification of Authenticity: Hovering over the sender’s contact allows you to verify the authenticity of the email. Legitimate emails will display the sender’s accurate information, helping you identify potential phishing attempts.

Identifying Suspicious Links: Hovering over links in an email reveals the actual URL. This prevents falling victim to disguised links that may lead to malicious websites. Be wary of unexpected or suspicious links, especially if the destination URL doesn’t match the purported sender.

Take a Moment: Assess Email Authenticity

Before hastily clicking on links or downloading attachments, take a moment to consider the authenticity of the email:

  • Is it from a trusted source?
  • Does it contain suspicious links or unexpected attachments?
  • Is it requesting sensitive information?

Pisys eCampus Training: Empower Your Employees

Ensure your employees are aware of the risks associated with email security. Remind them to engage with Pisys eCampus training videos, equipping them with the knowledge to identify and mitigate potential threats. Encourage a culture of vigilance, emphasising the importance of thinking twice before interacting with emails that raise suspicion.
Visit Pisys eCampus training here.

Integrated Email Security Solutions and Training

Beyond individual awareness, implementing integrated email security solutions and providing phishing awareness training and simulations is crucial. These proactive measures can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to cyber attacks.

In conclusion, the escalating cyber threats demand a comprehensive approach to email security. By incorporating these email security tips, including the often-overlooked practice of hovering over the sender’s contact, your business can fortify its defences against phishing and malware attacks. Stay vigilant, prioritise employee education and invest in robust email security solutions to safeguard your business from the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Remember, you can always contact Pisys Business IT Support Specialists for guidance on the best course of action for your business.