What is Artificial Intelligence – AI?

Published 2 years ago

AI has developed and will become more commonly used in our everyday lives. Saving time and costs through digital performance. Tasks performed by computer systems (artificial intelligence) which would normally be carried out by human intelligence. AI has become more commonly known as a tool which businesses use for daily functions to save on human… Read more »

Returning to the office?

Published 2 years ago

Is hybrid working the future? Staff are returning to the office after working from home and there are some mixed feelings. Does your business have the right technology in place to allow flexible working options for your staff? At Pisys we can help adapt your business environment and requirements to enable remote and hybrid working… Read more »

Is Public Wi-Fi safe?

Published 2 years ago

Working remotely & on the go Working remotely can open security risks, especially with free Wi-Fi in public spaces. For remote working to continue in the long run it is important to keep the business secure. With more staff working remotely and travelling to locations there is more reason to educate employees on the risks… Read more »

Why ‘Clean Tech’ is good for business

Published 2 years ago

Sustainable practices for business Pisys can look into your work sustainability practices with clean tech and education. Clean tech devices can lead to longevity increasing running speeds and productivity levels, futureproofing a sustainable IT environment. Sustainable practices including the motion of recycled or refurbished devices improve the environment and reduce waste. Some believe that sustainable… Read more »

Why Microsoft have recently disabled basic authentication

Published 2 years ago

Keep your security up to date To stay secure online outdated authentication has been disabled for modern authentication. During October 2022 Microsoft disabled basic authentication in Exchange Online. Our Pisys engineers have seen a rise in customer queries regarding the ability to carry out basic work functions with applications and scripts. So, why have Microsoft… Read more »

What is the Big Switch Off?

Published 2 years ago

BT Openreach Announcement BT Openreach have announced by 2025 old analogue PSTN and ISDN services will be switched off by 2025. Find out if the Big Switch Off will affect you and your business. By 2025 old analogue PSTN, public switched telephone networks are to move to a fully digital network. The Big Switch Off… Read more »

What is Cyber Hijacking?

Published 2 years ago

Protect your business Be aware of cyber hijacking. All businesses are at risk of facing data risk through malicious actions by cybercriminals. Hackers are breaking into business emails to cause damage and gain control over information. Cyber Hijacking threatens computer systems by taking over IT infrastructure which can cause damage to communications via the network.… Read more »

Want Faster Wi-Fi?

Published 2 years ago

We all want a faster working WiFi both at the office and when working from home. At Pisys we break down the WiFi talk and make IT easy! Speak to our engineers to discuss further options. Ensure remote working is productive and functional for your staff. Pisys can help correct and configure your set up… Read more »

Cyber Security Training for Staff

Published 2 years ago

Pisys care about keeping your business secure and advise that you encourage your staff to complete the free training provided below by The National Cyber Security Centre. It doesn’t take long, and you might be surprised what you learn. We understand it can be challenging knowing where to begin with security as there are large… Read more »

What is SaaS Protection?

Published 2 years ago

Is your data protected? SaaS, software as a service maintains, monitors, and protects your Cloud storage which maximises data protection, improves efficiency, and grows profits. If your data is in the cloud, it still requires protection to which our Pisys engineers can help with. Moving into the Cloud can be scary and challenging to some… Read more »

What is SaaS Defence?

Published 2 years ago

What does SaaS Defence do? Software as a Service Defence is an advanced threat protection to prevent threats from occurring which is shared in the cloud. SaaS Defence is Software as a Service defence which is advanced threat protection with spam filtering solutions. A monthly subscription for software such as Microsoft 365 developed by security… Read more »

What is Business Continuity?

Published 2 years ago

Importance of Business Continuity Business continuity is the businesses level of readiness to maintain critical business functions after a major disruption or incidents. These events include power outages, security breach and incidents. Equipment and hardware failure as well as natural disasters. Downtime is not only disruptive to business continuity infrastructure but can also be costly… Read more »

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